Communicating Health and Wellbeing Information throughout Ireland
INFORM, established in 2002, is Ireland’s health and wellbeing communications company. We can help you communicate your health-related messages or public information campaigns to patients and healthcare professionals, in waiting rooms and at the point‐of‐care, in over 950 GP practices, healthcare centres and hospitals nationwide. We do this through our Print Display and through our Digital Information Screen Network. INFORM also helps GPs and other healthcare professionals provide information to educate and encourage people to live healthy lives.
Our Healthcare Waiting Room Network and Reach in Numbers
INFORM is Ireland’s largest communications company of its kind and reaches into a nationwide network of doctor practices, healthcare centres and hospitals to provide health and wellbeing information to consumers, patients and healthcare professionals. INFORM offers clients a wide range of ways to communicate, and a reach that’s unmatched. There are over 16 million patient visits annually. Reach them through Ireland’s only health information network.